"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the
abyss, and go into perdition; and they that dwell on the earth shall
wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the
foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not,
and yet is." - Revelation 17:8
"When Lord "Bob" entered his palaces, which were perfect to the fullest
extent, his 188,109 queens rejoiced within their minds to see their husband
home. They leapt from the meditation seats and, as was socially customary,
covered their faces shyly and looked about coyly. Their insuperable ecstasy
was so strong that they first embraced the Lord "Bob" in the innermost
recesses of their hearts. Then they embraced him visually. Then they sent
their sons to embrace him; then finally, though they tried to restrain
their feelings... they shed tears." - The Kani Sutra
Of course, the above quotations are silly, overblown statements by Bobbies
about their Master, and can properly be called apocrypha, that is, stories
of "Bob" that may be well meant but have no basis in fact. (For instance,
"Bob's" palaces are certainly not "perfect to the fullest extent," and he
has no more than two or three hundred wives.) Any SubGenius who has
experienced Dobbs-consciousness can gush superlatives about his Greatness.
But what is Dobbs really like? What makes him "tick" like the time bomb
that he is?1
The 13 Original Apostles of the Dobbs, who had direct contact with him in
the flesh over a long period of time, were willing to share their
knowledge. Unfortunately, working their reminiscences into a presentable
form has proved a daunting task. Many of the pertinent memories have
apparently been suppressed somehow by a third party;2 moreover, the
lifestyles of these Doktors during the years in question makes detailed
recall impossible, even with the most sophisticated brainswitching
techniques. As one put it, "the brain tapes were erased as soon as the
'Frop wore off. It helped protect "Bob" in case we were ever interrogated."
Not only are many of these gospels fragmentary, but they often directly
contradict one another, even when the various Apostles were all at the same
place at the same time, and might have been expected to have seen the same
things. For instance, Dr. Philo Drummond recalls an incident in Dobbs' life
that he considers minor: as he tells it, Dobbs was in a shopping mall with
some Apostles, trying to buy a floor-model tape deck at a discount price,
when he discovered that the deck was already broken. Dobbs "healed" the
appliance by striking it forcibly. Since appliance healing is one of the
first skills learned by any Doktor, Philo did not consider it a significant
But St. G. Gordon Gordon, who was also present, remembers it very
differently. It was not the appliance that was healed, says Gordon, but the
store manager. While haggling with the manager over the tape deck's price,
Dobbs suddenly stiffened up and, with an other-worldly gleam in his eyes,
declared to the frail-looking Pink, "I DO BELIEVE YOU HAVE EPIDIDYMITIS. IT
MUST HURT LIKE HELL." The manager, taken aback, stuttered, "Yes, I... I...
how did you know?" Dobbs then suddenly extracted his Pipe from his mouth,
violently cracked the man on the forehead with it, and cried, "You're
HEALED!" The manager, Gordon says, felt such glorious instant relief, and
such an immediate return of physical stamina, that he ("generously," as
Dobbs seemed to consider it) gave Dobbs the disputed tape deck for free.
(Ironically, though cured of his affliction, the manager died a week later
from a brain embolism caused by "Bob's" blow.)
Dr. Onan Canobite's recollection of this "mall event" is even more grossly
at variance with Philo's. He says the entire mall was being threatened by a
toxic spill from a nearby train wreck; panic-stricken shoppers were running
to and fro in terror, collapsing of asphyxiation as the air inside the mall
became contaminated. Onan saw Dobbs stride to the train wreck, mutter
incantations and make "Dr. Strange-like" hand gestures, and the wreck
righted itself as all of the toxic material flowed backwards in time,
returning into the now-self-repairing tanker, saving those in the mall from
certain death. Dobbs, Onan says, ended up owning the mall.3
The Gospel According to St. Janor, however, presents a version that makes
even Onan's seem mundane. Janor describes Dobbs not only destroying the
mall by himself, Samson-like, to save it from itself, but even killing and
then resurrecting everyone inside, converting them from docile Pink zombies
to lusty SubGeniuses fornicating on the escalators. Janor furthermore
prophesies that Dobbs will, "someday soon," use the entire mall as a sort
of cosmic 'tee' from which he shall 'putt' the Earth into a Black Hole.
And yet St. Palmer Vreedeez recalls that, not only did Dobbs not acquire
the tape deck, but that he was arrested for shoplifting and spent the
weekend in jail.
Obviously, we as editors of these manuscripts will require several more
years in which to "get all our eggs into one blender." THE GOSPEL ACCORDING
TO PHILO has been translated first, and appears here, because he has known
Dobbs the longest; the fragments of Gordon's and Atman's shall hopefully be
available by 1997. In the meantime, we continue translating.4
I am Dr. Philo Ulysses Drummond, OverMan First Degree, of the Second
Authorized MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Church of the SubGenius/Drummondian
(St. Louis), the sole living OverMan on this plane, in this Time Slot,
until 1998, when I will be joined by many new brothers and sisters in Xist
modification. I knew J.R. "Bob" Dobbs before his Emaculation, and I still
confer regularly with him to this day.
This is my testimony.
"Bob" and I lived in the same neighborhood when I was between five and ten
years old. He was not one of my regular playmates, but was an acquaintance.
My father knew his parents, but spoke unfavorably of them; they were
foreigners, and everybody said they were bohemians or cultists. (His
mother, Jane, supposedly had suspicious male visitors during the daytime,
or so the vicious town gossips claimed.) "Bob's" father, Xiuacha-Chi-Xan M.
Dobbs, ran a pharmacy and knew most of his neighbors, but he and Jane never
fit in with the more traditional families of this particular tract
In appearance, the child "Bob" was just another mischievous Po'bucker kid
with a torn T-shirt and a crew-cut. Only the other kids seemed to know him
as anything more than a normal, pesky neighborhood scamp; no adults ever
believed us when we tried to tell them about him. Apparently, nobody knew
of his fantastic income; he didn't even bother to tell his parents that he
was playing the stock market by telephone, amassing fortunes and stashing
them in foreign bank accounts. He never demonstrated any evidence of these
assets; his family always lived in the same modest home, and he constantly
bummed ice cream money from the rest of us at a time when, I later learned,
he was worth well over $15 million. He didn't so much conceal his wealth,
as that the subject never came up. He was, I must admit, lavish with spare
change on his female peers, showing interest in them that the rest of us
boys thought was unmanly.
I never got to know "Bob" well back then, but I did know of his reputation.
I often saw him at the Haltom Movie Theater, and that was where I first
heard rumors about "that weird Dobbs kid."
He was known as one of the neighborhood toughs, but not in the manner of
the stereotype white trash bully. He was instead that one smartass in every
gang with an unbelievable mouth, who would say anything to anybody, be it
teacher, parent, cop or preacher. His statements weren't the kind of things
kids say to grown-ups. He was "beyond the scope of his days." So
provocative was he in his speech that his friends and enemies continually
had to keep him from blurting out things that would lead to beatings from
their moms.
Some adults feared him, I am sure of it. One Haltom Theater usher was
visibly terrified of him, and "Bob" always made a big showof getting free
popcorn from the poor old wretch.
Legend had it that whenever somebody angered him, they would drop over and
die soon thereafter - at least, the lucky ones did. I once witnessed a
bully pestering "Bob" in the movie theater. "Bob" just looked at him very
intensely, a fixed grin on his face, and said, "You're gonna die on the
railroad tracks, kid, only the train's just gonna cut your feet off and
you're gonna have to crawl half the way back home before you bleed to
The local paper carried the story of the accident - but didn't mention the
curse, the threat, the prophecy, or whatever you want to call it. You can
bet we kids talked about it, though.
The paper also records several grisly deaths of district elementary school
teachers during those years. It's surprising that no one ever noticed that
all the victims had been teachers of the young Dobbs. It seemed as if
everybody was scared of "Bob" - but they couldn't help but like him, too.
One impatient teacher, I was told by his classmates, had somehow slighted
Dobbs' (alleged) Mayan heritage - she made fun of his grandfather's
religion or something - and he'd snapped at her, "I hope you get paper-cut
to death." Dobbs stood in the corner with a dunce-cap on his head for the
rest of the day.
But the next Saturday, there was a terrible accident at the local paper
mill. "Bob's" teacher, while visiting her boyfriend there, slipped and fell
into the paper-cutting machine, just when the 'Off' switch had shorted out.
She was paper-cut to death, all right - cut into paper-thin, letter-sized
I must wonder if his parents didn't live in constant fear of their son. He
must have loved them, however, for no ill fortune ever befell them - at
least, not until the pharmacy explosion that killed his father. But I'm
sure that was an accident. I don't want to give the impression that "Bob"
was some evil, malignant devil-child. He was generally very friendly, and
rarely got upset. He probably spent much less time hexing people than
selling junk to them.
When I was about eight, my friends and I met "Bob" and his pals (half of
whom, incidentally, were handicapped in some unusual way) at a riverside
'swimming hole.' I saw "Bob" poke several holes in the sand, then pull down
his trousers, and, grinning fiendishly, lie down upon the holes, bucking
his hips in a travesty of lovemaking. He kept hollering to us, "I'm
marrying the earth! She's squeezing me back!" And he would grin and grin.
The other kids egged him on, while "Bob" sang, in his child's falsetto,
"OLD MAN RIVER..." Suddenly there was an earthquake - not a big one, but
the ground definitely shuddered. Then the lifeguard came and yelled at him,
and threatened to tell his parents, and made us leave. A week later, that
lifeguard... well, I don't even want to talk about it.
My family moved to Houston, and that was the last I heard of "Bob" until
our our paths crossed again at the state college.
One weekend, several friends and I got very drunk in the woods near campus.
We found a big tractor in a vacant field. Showing off, I managed to start
the tractor up by inserting my fish-scaling knife into the keyhole. It fit
just as if it was a key made for that machine - I often wonder about that,
now. We used the tractor to senselessly rip up the forest. It was lots of
fun, but soon the police came. We all scattered and ran through the woods.
I could hear my friends being caught and hauled off to jail... I hid behind
an old abandoned-looking cottage, but the cops were closing in on me.
Just then the door of the cottage opened, and a strange kid signaled me to
come in and hide out. It was "Bob," and he bamboozled the cops, saving me
from arrest. He was preparing the cottage for a secret meeting of The
Knights of Pythagoras, an occult society of which he was the youngest Grand
Master ever. "Bob" got me involved in his group, and we became drinking
I had been dating the beautiful Constance "Connie" Marsh, who was much
later to become the primary Mrs. Dobbs. We had enjoyed a most satisfying
relationship, as befitting her reputation, until I introduced her to "Bob"
at a frat party... and suddenly she was his. But I harbor no grudge; I'm
sure she must pay a price that none of us can imagine.
At the time, however, I was shattered. I got myself blind drunk, and sat in
a bar near campus banging my head on the table, sobbing, cursing "Bob's"
name, and plotting his murder. In the midst of my sodden, self-induced
misery, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. It was "Bob" himself, come to
comfort me. He assured me that Connie was a heartless monster who cared for
no man... I think he was being sincere, actually. Apparently she had
already cheated on him. I ended up crying for his sake that night.
Not long after that, "Bob" disappeared from campus for some weeks. I missed
the poker games with him, but assumed he was out west riding rodeo or
something, which would have been typical. Alas, such was not the case.
"Bob" had gone walking in the forest near campus, when a large rotten
branch fell onto his head. He was rendered comatose, lying on his back in
the bushes, far from the beaten trails, with his mouth gaping open,
occasionally croaking softly. He survived because rainwater and dew
gathered in his slackjawed mouth, and the birds of the forest that perched
upon his cheeks to drink had disgorged the occasional worm into his mouth.
He was found after a month and hospitalized; Connie and I helped nurse him
back to health. For many years after that, stories persisted in that town
about the "Wild Boy of the Woods" or "the Bird Man."
The next year, "Bob" moved off to another school, and Connie to another,
and the war began, and we lost track of each other.5 "Bob" underwent his
Emaculation under JHVH-1, and his sales career really took off. The Army
got wind of his wild talents, and drafted him for intelligence work. That
period is well documented in The Book of the SubGenius.
After the war, "Bob" and Connie remet, and married in Las Vegas in 1955.
That same year, he suffered his Second Major PreVision under JHVH-1. This
was followed by various fitful, often half-hearted attempts to found a new
religion. Dobbs experimented with numerous cults and self-help formulas
before finally settling on the basic structure of the Church of the
SubGenius. However, he kept it mostly to himself in those days. The early
Church boasted perhaps a couple of dozen members. Half of those were
nobodies - people who'd washed "Bob's" car, for instance - but the others
included such luminaries as Howard Hughes, Aristotle Onassis, Bruce Roberts
(author of The Gemstone Files), and the young Henry Kissinger, fresh from
his first romp in the redwood groves of the Bohemian Club.6
In 1956, "Bob" phoned unexpectedly from his BobCo branch office in Las
Vegas to tell me how he had been tempted by the Devil.
He had been camping in the desert, he said, and Satan had appeared in a
three-piece suit, offering him not only riches, women, and political power,
but the world itself - full OverLordship over the entire planet, in return
for his soul. Dobbs didn't resist for even a second. The Devil was
apparently very nonplussed that Dobbs was so willing - as if Dobbs didn't
understand that at some juncture he was supposed to refuse. In his
innocence, he didn't even get the point of the Devil's efforts. He happily
accepted all offers, and in fact made Satan some kind of deal on his soul.
Satan finally realized there was no point in trying to tempt "Bob," who was
already getting everything he wanted, anyway. What "Bob" has never made
clear is the specific nature of the "deals" that were made.
I thought he had lost his mind, but I was getting used to hearing this kind
of thing from "Bob."
Go on to "The Gospel According to Philo Part 2"
The Gospel According to Philo
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